Common Questions

New to Bowie First Methodist? Get all the answers you’re looking for:

Click on the questions below to find the answers…

What should I wear to Church on Sunday?

As the old saying goes, “Come as you are!” We want you to be comfortable and be focused on experiencing God. What ever helps you achieve that goal, is great with us. God loves you, not the clothes you wear!

You will find some people are more comfortable wearing their “Sunday best” and others come in shorts and a T-shirt! We care about you growing in relationship with God, not about how dressed up you are!

What about the kids?

Your children are more than welcome to come to the worship service, and we do our best to engage them during the service. We LOVE the sound of crying babies! That is the sweet sound of our church growing!

Do I need to read the bible before coming to church?

Absolutely not! Most of our members haven’t even done this! Just come, be relaxed, find some time to be quiet and still with God. He knows what is going on with you and wants to get closer to you.

Will you embarrass me as a first-time guest?

No way! We will not ask you to stand up, speak or in any way make you feel uncomfortable during the service! We will try our best to greet and meet you before and after the service, so be prepared for some FRIENDLY people!

I have questions, can I meet with the Pastor?

Yes, of course! Please contact Steve Martinez by email at: or by phone: (940) 872-3384, to schedule an appointment. Pastor Steve Martinez would LOVE to meet with you!